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BD Provisions

Who would have thought that a sustainable bulk food store would have some of the best coffee I have ever had? We walked in and were quickly greeted by friendly women ensuring that we had put on hand sanitizer and gloves. When taking your gloves, don't forget to take your sample cup of coffee. The coffee I was given was Midnight Joe. Midnight Joe is their signature blend of three different beans that come together in a perfect marriage to produce a bold cup of coffee. The coffee has a robust flavor that smoothly delights your tastes buds. I wouldn't even think to add milk or any other sort of creamer to this coffee. I believe BD Provisions' partnership with Vintage Garden to give a bag of Midnight Joe with a purchase of a mug shows how confident BP Provisions is with their coffee. They know that their product is something that will have customers coming back for more.

My favorite part about BD Provisions is how knowledgable and friendly the staff is. Tara showed me all of the different coffee beans they have. They know where their coffee is coming from and they roast the beans right in store. If you time your trip right, you may even be lucky enough to see the beans come out of the roaster and smell how amazing they really are.

I also purchased coffee to bring home with me. After smelling many varieties, I decided to try the Toasted Coconut coffee. Hot Take: I love flavored coffees when they are done well. This coffee tastes like vacation. Even if you don't want to drink it, I think you should just buy it to make your house smell good. Brewing this coffee will make your house smell better than lighting any candle ever will!

While BD Provisions only has locations in Connecticut right now, I hope we will see them expand to New Jersey in the near future. In the mean time, I will just need to result to mini road trips or ordering online.

If you want to learn more about BD Provisions, check them out at

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